Monday, July 15, 2019

An Introduction to the Wooden Sea

The Wooden Sea - An Introduction
A Dungeons & Dragons World
By Ahmad Williams (DM)
Blog written by Kati Davis (Korva Grimdawn)


An area once existed that, by all accounts, was likely to be the most bountiful patch of forest in the kingdom of Wheldrake. Sitting at roughly two square miles, it was bursting with luscious berries, leafy herbs and meaty animals perfect for hunting. Trees stood tall, wide and healthy, creating a bright green canopy above, and its floor of moss, dirt and leaves was springy. People frequented the forest and the place always seemed satisfied to meet their needs.
This period 8 years ago, however, was particularly important. Those who were really paying attention might have noticed that this year, everything was just a little more abundant. Plants that were harvested and creatures that were caught were larger and more succulent than previous years. Leaves were broader and the trees taller.


Word had spread about the previous year and foot traffic through the forest had picked up. This wasn’t a problem, though, as the forest seemed to be even more rich than ever before. People enjoyed the fruits of this perfect place. For those who lived in surrounding areas, things couldn't have been better. Of course, those who were closest were able to reap the most benefit from the forest.
One warm afternoon, a farmer's wife happened to call her husband over to where she was hanging laundry. She had taken a break from her task and was watching the trees in the distance.
As the man approached, his wife asked, "Dear, does the forest seem closer?"
"What," scoffed the man, as he turned back to his field. "Seriously, you called me over for this?"
"It just seems different is all," said the woman, rolling her eyes. Shrugging her shoulders, she went back to her work.


The forest was definitely expanding, but no one seemed to mind or think it was a significant enough difference. Full grown tees were cropping up at some point, though no one could attest to having actually seen it happen. The information was brought to the king of Wheldrake, who merely waved it off, satisfied that his subjects in the area were content enough that he didn’t have to worry much about them.
Notably, this year was a year of new things in the forest. Foragers found new plants and berries they’d never harvested, and hunters encountered some never-before-seen creatures. Each were just as tasty and useful as anything else that had come from the forest, and so the people continued to be happy as time went by.


Sitting at several hundred square miles, the forest, now appropriately deemed the Wooden Sea, showed no signs of slowing down. It had overtaken farms, as well as towns in their entirety. Some folk remained in the forest, though many fled for civilization, because to survive in the Wooden Sea you had to be equal parts cautious, tough and, just maybe, crazy.
A person could no longer trust the berries being plucked from vines, nor the herbs being collected, without already knowing exactly what they were. Many animals had become ferocious beasts, great in size and aggression. You were more likely to have your hand bit clean off than find a docile kill. Nearly all recreational travel through the Wooden Sea had ceased, as it was considered too dangerous to attempt.
The kingdom of Wheldrake was at a loss as to how to deal with the place and had left it to itself, hoping the Wooden Sea would stop increasing and changing on its own. Completely removed from the forest, the kingdom was succeeded by the formation of The Guild.
The Guild worked to form a collective by establishing outposts and “towns” within the Wooden Sea, that supported each other. Each part of the collective was under the protection of The Guild, assuming that part met their contribution quota. Required contributions could be anything, and towns had different items and amounts to collect based on location within the Wooden Sea and populace, as well as the skill set of that populace.
All kinds of people were recruited to join The Guild in different roles. Some people enforced Guild policy, some protected specific towns that were having consistent issues with wildlife, and others traveled the forest lending a hand where needed.


Wheldrake continues to lose to the Wooden Sea. The Guild has become more established, and it’s towns more sturdy. No one enters into the Sea except out of dire need and those living within no longer understand life on the outside. 

To live in the Wooden Sea is to be consumed by the Wooden Sea.

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